
In 2017 Peru Mission launched Christ’s Kids, a new program focused especially on children from underprivileged backgrounds. Extensive research has shown that kids who grow up without adequate nutrition, educational opportunities, and with little or no exposure to the Gospel, typically suffer the rest of their lives in poor health, poverty, and spiritual darkness.

For the better part of two decades the Lord has been laying a foundation among the churches and ministries of Peru Mission to effectively tackle these problems and forever change the lives of hundreds of children. Through child sponsorships, disadvantaged children receive nutritious meals, a full health and dental plan with the Bethesda clinic, after-school academic reinforcement classes, english classes, and participate in a lively and engaging Bible club.

In addition to the connection with Bethesda (our medical clinic), Christ Kids is integrated into one of our local churches, Christ the Restorer. The children are eligible for scholarships to Noah’s Ark Summer Camp. The mothers of these children attend the women's group in the church and are eligible for financial counseling and business loans through Stewardship Sinergia. Investing in the life of a child through Peru Mission and Christ Kids not only offers hope to the children and their families, it is an investment in our entire community.